新增,2本:分别是ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer和Communications in Analysis and Mechanics。
更名,6本:包括影响因子高达13.538的Evidence-Based Mental Health,更名为BMJ Mental Health。
另外两本Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering和Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,在上一期中已经改为新名字Gas Science and Engineering和Geoenergy Science and Engineering,但这一期旧名字才被剔除。
剔除,35本:包括影响因子高达7.310的Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity。这35本期刊,在过去的3年中,有10本曾被中科院预警。
2023年3月SCIE期刊更新情况 | ||||
更新 | 序号 | 期刊名 | 影响因子 | 备注 |
新增 | 1 | ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer | — | |
2 | Communications in Analysis and Mechanics | — | ||
更名 | 1 | Alcohol-Clinical and Experimental Research | 3.928 | 2023由Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research更名 |
2 | BMI Mental Health | 13.538 | 2023由Evidence-Based Mental Health更名 | |
3 | Discover Nano | 5.418 | 2023由Nanoscale Research Letters更名 | |
4 | Frontiers of Mathematics | 0.871 | 2023由Frontiers of Mathematics in China改名 | |
5 | Interdisciplinary Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery | 1.978 | 2023由Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery更名 | |
6 | Parasites Hosts and Diseases | 1.776 | 2023由Korean Journal of Parasitology改名 | |
剔除 | 1 | Advances in Materials Science and Engineering | 2.098 | HINDAWI LTD |
2 | Annals of Palliative Medicine | 1.925 | 2021中科院预警-低 AME PUBLISHING COMPANY | |
3 | Annals of Translational Medicine | 3.616 | AME PUBLISHING COMPANY | |
4 | Applied Nanoscience | 3.869 | SPRINGER HEIDELBERG | |
5 | Biomed Research international | 3.246 | 2020中科院预警-中HINDAWI LTD | |
6 | Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine | 2.809 | 2023中科院预警-低HINDAWI LTD | |
7 | Computational intelligence and Neuroscience | 3.120 | HINDAWI LTD | |
8 | Concurrent Engineering-Research and Applications | 2.118 | SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD | |
9 | Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging | 3.009 | WILEY-HINDAWI | |
10 | Disease Markers | 3.464 | HINDAWI LTD | |
11 | Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine | 2.650 | HINDAWI LTD | |
12 | Food Science and Technology | 2.602 | 2023中科院预警低SOC BRASILEIRA CIENCIA TECNOLOGIA ALIMENTOS | |
13 | Fresenius Environmental Bulletin | 0.618 | PARLAR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (P S P) | |
14 | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 4.614 | 2020中科院预警-低 MDPI | |
15 | Journal of Coastal Research | 1.110 | COASTAL EDUCATION & RESEARCH FOUNDATION | |
16 | Journal of Environmental and Public Health | 2.791 | 2023中科院预警-高 HINDAWI LTD | |
17 | Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology | 0.507 | SCIBULCOM LTD | |
18 | Journal of Healthcare Engineering | 3.822 | HINDAWI LTD | |
19 | Journal of Nanomaterials | 3.791 | HINDAWI LTD | |
20 | Journal of Oncology | 4.501 | HINDAWI LTD | |
21 | Journal of Renewable Materials | 2.115 | TECH SCIENCE PRESS | |
22 | Journal of The American Society of Agronomy | — | 1949已停刊AMER SOC AGRONOMY | |
23 | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 1.430 | 2023中科院预警-中HINDAWI LTD | |
24 | Mobile information Systems | 1.863 | 2023中科院预警-低HINDAWI LTD | |
25 | Netherlands Journal of Medicine | 1.105 | 2021已停刊VAN ZUIDEN COMMUNICATIONS | |
26 | Ochrona Srodowiska | — | 2020已停刊POLISH SANITARY ENGINEERS ASSOC | |
27 | Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity | 7.310 | HINDAWI LTD | |
28 | Progress in Nutrition | 0.567 | MATTIOLI 1885 | |
29 | Psychiatria Danubina | 2.696 | 2023中科院预警-高MEDICINSKA NAKLADA | |
30 | Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte | 0.652 | SOC BRASILEIRA MED ESPORTE | |
31 | Scanning | 1.750 | WILEY-HINDAWI | |
32 | Scientific Programming | 1.672 | 2021中科院预警-低HINDAWI LTD | |
33 | Security and Communication Networks | 1.968 | WILEY-HINDAWI | |
34 | Waves in Random and Complex Media | 4.051 | TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD | |
35 | Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing | 2.146 | WILEY-HINDAWI |